more about the garden of good people
Plaza de Saint James is a public art and green space that incorporates: concrete/bronze and landscape art, a collaborative community mural, a blazing maple shade tree, seating, community designed fence and a performance area.
The Plaza provides: a multifunctional space to gather and interact, an energetic pedestrian gateway to downtown, a shared space that fosters increased local pride and ownership, AND a landscape to build community into the future- with space that supports outdoor performance and micro-economy ventures. The project is intentionally process based so the community can inform decision making.
Through project activities, such as: community design workshops, community painting days, field rock collection days and the final unveiling celebration, community members will have the opportunity to work side by side, increasing understanding and interaction amongst neighbors from different cultural backgrounds.
The goal is to enliven the space so that downtown Saint James becomes a destination in the minds of community members. Because community members will be directly involved in the creation of various plaza art project portions, there will be community-wide project ownership. The resulting art space will remain in the community as a constant reminder of time spent working together.