who is Sara K Udvig?
American painter, and public space maker born Saint Paul, Minnesota. I create people-centered projects for individuals, communities, businesses, cities, and organizations of all sizes. I work to support the expanding human spirit, offering spaces & opportunities to practice, play, share, create and learn. If opportunity presents, I open my work to grandiose, messy-perfect, community-collaboration because I appreciate that built relationships, personal growth, shared experience and other immaterial byproducts of art's process are of great service and often more essential and lasting than resulting art objects. We all do better when we all do better.
I'm a alumni of The Women's Art Institute, University of St. Catherine, Creative Community Leadership Institute, & I trained with Everyday Democracy to facilitate Dialogue to Change conversations. Daily I find a trail or a yoga mat to ready myself for what comes.
¨I love to make ideas come to life, especially for individuals and small businesses- many of the works I have executed have been the brain-seed of the commissioner and my job is to translate their ideas into visual awesomeness.
More and more as we impact Earth with our materialism, I look to recycle and reclaim materials or work with zero impact.
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they make the art world go round
Minneapolis Public Art, Saint James Area Foundation, ArtPlace America, Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council, Minnesota State Arts Board, Kaboom!, Metropolitan Regional Art Council, BNSF Railway Foundation, UMN Board of Regents, Public Art St Paul, Kathryn M Udvig & Joseph D Udvig
Have an Idea? Contact Me | Tel: 651-335-4926